What Is Cosmetic Botox?

Cosmetic Botox is a treatment that uses botulinum toxin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and frown lines. It is available as a cream or a liquid injectable and is most commonly used on the face.

When injected into the skin, botulinum toxin causes temporary paralysis of the muscles that cause wrinkles and lines. As a result, these areas become less visible. If you want to know more about cosmetic in Calgary, you can search via online sources.

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There are several types of Cosmetic Botox available, with different strengths and durations of effect. The most common type is called “subcutaneous botulinum toxin A” (subQ), which is a very weak form of toxin that lasts for about four months. “Intravenous botulinum toxin A” (IVB) is a stronger form of toxin that lasts for about six months.

Cosmetic Botox can also be used to reduce the appearance of age spots and blemishes. However, it is not recommended for use on large areas of skin (such as the face), because it can be very costly and may not be effective.

Cosmetic Botox is injected directly into the muscle that causes wrinkles, making them temporarily less noticeable. However, it works for only about three months. Cosmetic Botox can also be used to reduce the appearance of age spots and blemishes. 

However, it is not recommended for use on large areas of skin (such as the face), because it can be very costly and may not be effective. If you are considering cosmetic botulinum toxin treatment, your doctor will usually recommend a series of tests to determine your eligibility and baseline (or average) facial muscle tone.