Find Out the Benefits of Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment can mean more than just a healthy, beautiful smile! People who are happy with their smiles are more confident. Parents often offer orthodontic treatment to their children to give them the best chance for future success. Adults of all ages seek treatment for personal and business reasons.

This is how orthodontics works:

Transparent braces and alginers widen the posterior teeth and offer more space for compact front teeth. You can visit to get information about orthodontic treatments in Laois.

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This extension allows more room for the incisors, which usually overlap other teeth, to accommodate the narrowing at the back of the mouth. Extending your molars with orthodontic treatment can help you return the arch to a better and healthier shape. 

A straight tooth in the right arch ensures a stable bite. The gums and bone structures that support the teeth have benefited from many years of healthy early life alignment. Many dental problems can be avoided if the upper and lower arches are corrected early to maintain the cleaning needed to facilitate dental care.

The American Orthodontic Association lists the following benefits of straight teeth:

  • The right bite will reduce bruxism and, in some cases, can reduce snoring.
  • Straight teeth are less prone to tooth decay, gum disease, and injuries.
  • Teeth that are properly arranged are healthy teeth.
  • Teeth get less plaque when properly aligned.
  • Misaligned teeth are more likely to be damaged in accidents.
  • Correctly aligned teeth and jaw can relieve or prevent TMJ.