When Should You Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Many times in some cases, the symptoms of wisdom tooth decay, such as toothache, do not show up right away. That is why many people find out late that their teeth are already damaged. Then what do you do?

It is important that you schedule a regular checkup with your dentist. In this way, your dentist can closely monitor the condition of your teeth using the right tools. Also, your dentist can perform cleaning procedures to keep your teeth intact and decay-free.

However, to avoid future problems, your dentist may suggest wisdom teeth removal. This is an option you can take if you don't want to wait for your teeth to show signs of decay until they are extracted. In addition, it is almost imminent that these types of teeth suffer cavities at some point in the future.

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If tooth decay is discovered late, the removal procedure can become a bit painful. This is because the gums under the tooth may already be inflamed. Also, there may already be pus. The presence of pus will render the anesthesia ineffective.

However, to prevent pain, your dentist may postpone the removal of the affected wisdom tooth. Instead, he will give you antibiotics to treat the swelling and pus. When the swelling and pus are gone, your dentist can proceed with the removal procedure.

Keep in mind that wisdom tooth extraction is generally a more sensitive procedure than regular tooth extraction. That is why it is important that you go to a dentist you trust.