How Does Neurofeedback Work to Treat Anxiety?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach people how to change their brain waves. The goal of neurofeedback is to help people learn how to control their thoughts and emotions.

Neurofeedback has been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety, ADHD, depression, and other mental health conditions. The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) has conducted several studies on neurofeedback and found it to be an effective treatment for anxiety. You can avail the benefits of neurofeedback from companies such as Wasatch Neurotherapy.

During a neurofeedback session, sensors are placed on the head to measure brain activity. The information is then displayed on a screen in real-time. The person being treated can see when their brain waves are changing and learn to control them.

 Neurofeedback is usually done in a series of sessions, with each session lasting 30-60 minutes. It is important to note that neurofeedback is not a quick fix – it takes time and practice to learn how to control one's thoughts and emotions. However, the skills that are learned during neurofeedback can last a lifetime.

Neurofeedback is a treatment for anxiety that works by retraining the brain to respond more effectively to stress. The treatment involves using a special computer program to monitor the activity of the brain and then providing feedback to help the brain learn to regulate itself more effectively. Neurofeedback has been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety, and it can be used in combination with other treatments such as therapy and medication.