How to Prevent Yourself From Drinking Too Much

There is no single answer to preventing oneself from drinking too much, as everyone has different psychological and physical needs and tolerances. However, following some general tips can help: 

If you need more information about  alcohol addiction you may visit Steps Together.

1. Establish boundaries with alcohol. If you are trying to cut down or stop drinking altogether, setting limits on how much you drink can be a helpful way to manage your intake. Aim for one or two drinks per day, rather than taking in more than three or four. Be honest with yourself about how much you’re drinking, and monitor your consumption closely to make sure that you’re not overdoing it. 

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2. Avoid drinking when you’re stressed out or anxious. Drinking can exacerbate these feelings, leading to an increase in alcohol consumption and binging episodes. Try to avoid drinking if you’re feeling stressed or anxious out in general, both before and after drinking. 

3. Don’t drink when you’re angry or frustrated. When emotions are high, it’s easier to give into temptation and drink excessively. Avoid getting drunk when you’re feeling upset or angry so that those feelings don’t turn into destructive behavior with alcohol involved. 

4. Don’t drink when you’re tired or fatigued. When your body is tired, it’s harder to resist the urge to drink because alcohol makes us feel relaxed and sleepy . Make sure that you allow yourself enough time each day to rest so that you aren’t tempted towards alcohol when you should be focusing on recovering from fatigue .